BREAKDOWN is combination of fermented bacteria and fungi and 3 carbon sources designed to break down crop residues and improve overall nutrient availability and utilization. BREAKDOWN also maximizes nitrogen utilization and assimilation in growing plants and reduces the loss of nitrate during the nitrification process in your soils.
• Increases residue decomposition
• Stimulates Soil biological activity
• Improves residue management and nutrient utilization
• Reduces Nitrate leaching during the nitrification process
Breaks down crop
residue to increase
planter efficiency.
Unlocks nutrients in your crop residue, recycling your fertilizer
Increases soil contribution
by discharging organic material & building the soil
BREAKDOWN is combination of fermented bacteria and fungi and 3 carbon sources designed to break down crop residues and improve overall nutrient availability and utilization. BREAKDOWN also maximizes nitrogen utilization and assimilation in growing plants and reduces the loss of nitrate during the nitrification process in your soils.
Nutrient Cycling is important in corn and soybean production because it helps us maintain key levels of organic matter, soil structure, water holding capacity and nutrients to help crops succeed. As corn yields increase due to the quality of genetics, use of fungicides, and an increase no-till/strip-till acres, so does the amount of residue left in our fields. Excess residue reduces soil temperatures and can delay germination leading to a decreased final effective plant-stand and lower yield potential. Not managing increased residue slows the natural break down process, which can take up to 5 years for the corn residue to break down into soil solution.
By breaking down the residue in our fields, we can return valuable nutrients to our soils for use in the next growing season. This allows growers to better capitalize on inputs already in their soil to help improve yields and profitability. In addition, reducing the amount of residue decreases the chance of pathogens overwintering and contaminating next year's crop. Reducing the amount of residue also improves field conditions in the spring allowing for an improved seed bed and reduced stand the loss.
• Sustaining Soil Fertility: Nutrient cycling helps
maintain the levels of essential nutrients in the
soil, ensuring that corn and soybean plants have
the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.
• Enhancing Crop Yields: Proper nutrient cycling
ensures that nutrients are available in the right
amounts at the right time, leading to healthier
plants and higher yields.
• Soil Health and Structure: Nutrient cycling
involves the decomposition of plant residues
helping to improve soil structure, water-holding
capacity, and aeration.
• Resistance to Stress: Maintaining soil health
through nutrient cycling ensures long-term
agricultural productivity and sustainability of
your soil.
BREAKDOWN your fall corn-stalks and help release valuable fertilizer back to your next Corn or Soybean Crop.
BREAKDOWN contains a unique ratio of bacteria and fungi to help degrade your corn, soybean and wheat stubble to maximize the nutrient release back to your soil.
BREAKDOWN not only releases key nutrients, it also breaks down complex carbon such as cellulose, lignin and chitin into your soil humus helping to maximize microbial populations and increase soil health.
In our Redstar RX test plots, we looked at the
difference in the amount of residue and nutrients tied up in the residue with prominent residue degrader products. While visual representation is great, we measured all of the trials residue to get hard numbers.
In the trial, Breakdown performed exceptionally well. All values are represented on a per acre basis. Breakdown digested 2.26 tons more residue than the Leading Competitor. BREAKDOWN released 47% more carbon, 58 pounds more nitrogen, 14 pounds more phosphorus, 18.3 pounds more potassium and 15.1 pounds more of Calcium compared to the leading competitor BREAKDOWN released $87.16 / acre more fertilizer back to your soil versus the market leading stalk digester.